Toni-Aki the Terrific Terriaki
Tony-Aki Recipes Stir-fry Vegetables And Pasta
16 Oz Package Pasta Noodles
2 Oz Green Spring Onions
2 Oz Red Pepper
2 Oz Carrots
2 Oz Snow Peas (pods)
2 Oz Broccoli
2 Oz Zucchini
2 Oz Yellow Squash
2 Oz Mushrooms
2 Oz Bamboo Shoots
2 Oz Water Chestnuts
1/3 Cup Tony Aki

Pasta cooked per package directions for aldente.

Rinse pasta with cool water, drain well, oil lightly with olive oil and set aside.

Clean and prepare the vegetables by slicing into small slivers except snow pea pods, leave these whole but peel the fibrous strip from the back of the pod.

Stir three tablespoons of corn starch to 1/3 cup of TONY-A’KI TM The Terrific Teriyaki and stir well.

Heat stainless steel WOK or large Cast Iron Skillet to high, add three tablespoons of high heat oil, before it smokes, quickly add the vegetable slices and stir briskly, keep the vegetables moving to avoid burning.

Cook for 5 minutes on high heat and keep veggies moving.

Slowly stir in the TONY-A’KI TM and cornstarch blend and keep the vegetables moving. While continuing to stir, add the cool oiled noodles.

Stir all together quickly and coat the noodles with sauce.

If needed, add a splash more TONY-A’KI TM to moisten and completely coat all noodles and have some sauce remaining in the pan bottom. Serve immediately and enjoy!